an interesting podcast from your old pal, Wil wheaton

Radio Free Burrito: Episode Twenty-Five

wil, · Categories: Books, Music

Holy Crap, it's time for a new episode of Radio Free Burrito!

It's a relatively quick show this week, but it sure was amusing to me while I made it.

Show Notes:

Ready? Then wash your hands, comb your hair real nice, and


p class=”asset asset-audio at-xid-6a00d8341c59aa53ef01310fcd7a58970c”>Download Radio Free Burrito Episode 25!

Radio Free Burrito: Episode Twenty-Four

wil, · Categories: Games, Music

Holy Crap, it's time for a new episode of Radio Free Burrito!

It's one of those shows where I talked for an hour, and feel like I didn't say anything at all.

Also, I am aware that the tags are screwed up and the feed doesn't validate, so unless you're grabbing RFB from iTunes or getting it directly here, it's a giant hassle to get it. I am aware of this problem, but it's a gigantic pain in the ass for me to correct it, given the tools I have available to me. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'm very annoyed by it, but I can make a podcast, or I can be a bug-squashing code monkey. I can't do both, and I quite frankly prefer making the podcast.

Show Notes:

Ready? Then roll initiative and…


p class=”asset asset-audio at-xid-6a00d8341c59aa53ef0120a93e1176970b”>Download Radio Free Burrito Episode 24!