Not Radio Free Burrito episode 38d: It’s delta, right? Yeah. Delta.
wil, · Categories: GamesMaybe I need to change the title of the podcast to Not Radio Free Burrito.
- Mrs. Howell is having a Deep Dream. Please don’t wake her.
- Pinball Arcade is really fun.
- Tomorrow is my birthday.
- GenCon is this weekend.
- I recorded this before I left for Nerdist, and uploaded after I got back. The Nerdist I recorded goes up tomorrow.
- I forgot to thank everyone who left comments on the last entry. It really means a lot to me to know that you’re listening and are willing to take the time to share your thoughts with me about it.
- This not-an-episode is 11.3MB and 7m51s
Here it is for you non-embed types: 038d-RFB
43 Comments on Not Radio Free Burrito episode 38d: It’s delta, right? Yeah. Delta.