Radio Free Burrito: Episode Sixteen
wil, · Categories: MusicHoly Crap, it's time for a new episode of Radio Free Burrito!
Even though I've been doing this show for years, now, this is the first Xmas show I've ever done, with music and everything. The only thing missing is a bunch of rum with a little bit of egg nog floating in it, but I'm sure you can figure out a way to correct that mistake.
Show Notes:
- The logo was designed by WWdN:iX reader Marc, who asked that I not link to his "in progress" website. Thanks, Marc!
- Radio Free Burrito doesn't work as hard to earn its [EXPLICIT] tag as Memories of the Futurecast does, but it still manages to upset mom and get Twitter breakup messages from sensitive people. You have been warned.
- Very special thanks to A Band Called Quinn for putting her Christmas song (and a bunch of other songs) into the Podsafe Music Network.
- I can't find a decent link to Allan Sherman's 12 Gifts of Christmas on any of the Internets, which makes me a little stabby. The very best I could find, though, is here at iLike. Make sure you click the title, and not the video, which has nothing to do with the song, because that makes a lot of sense.
- Here's why I want cartoon Snoopy to leap out of the television, Shatnerquake-style, and punch someone in the face.
- Whatever you do, do not Google "Santa, I've Been Naughty" with safe search turned off. You will be permanently scarred. Especially if you add the word "sweater" to your query.
- Christmas Eve Eve from Paul and Storm's It Might Be Xmas!
- Christmas Is… originally appeared on WWdN:iX in 2006.
- It's Christmas Time, There's No Need to be Afraid.
- I usually say Happy Holidays, not because I'm captain sensitive of the SS Touchy Feely, but because I'm so irritated with all those "War on Christmas" idiots who worked so hard to turn something wonderful like Christmas into something divisive like that horrible talk radio. This year, I decided that I'd stop letting those jerks win, and reclaim "Merry Christmas" for everyone, and it will now be used in tandem with "Happy Holidays" whenever I feel like telling someone, "I hope you have a wonderful holiday season that is filled with peace and joy" in just two words. Therefore, I use the phrases interchangeably in this show.
- Merry Christmas.
- Happy Holidays.
- Happy New Year.
- Take your seat, Ralph.
- This episode is just under 40 minutes long.
- This episode is about 57MB. Um. Wow. That's a lot of MBs, two shows in a row. I'm doing something wrong with the encoding, I think.
- Does anyone know why the size of the file almost doubles when I convert it from .m4a to .mp3? I export this in .m4a so the artwork will embed, and then convert it to .mp3. I'm sure this is an incredibly stupid way to do this, but contrary to what TV has told you, I'm not that skilled with the computers.
- This is the end of the notes.
Ready? Then put on your inappropriately suggestive holiday sweatshirt, and
Download Radio Free Burrito Episode 16!
Haven’t listened yet, but just so you know – thanks for keeping up the podcasts. I am entertained, thank you very much! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
are you maybe encoding to stereo .mp3 from a mono .m4a?
Ohhhhhh. Maybe I am. Ill double-check the settings.
Are you using Garageband (I think you said you did)? If so, send the file to iTunes as a 128kb stereo mp3. Then in iTunes, select the file and command-i to get info, select ‘artwork’ from the inf window and put the art in there. Done. Then upload the new art soaked mp3 file. That’s how I do it, anyway.
I have googled but can’t find the “Santa, I’ve been naughty” sweater. :*(
What did ABC do to the Charlie Brown special?
Have a nice holiday season! I’m off to Germany tomorrow morning to visit my parents for lots of foodie goodness. I’m buying a new laptop for them and will try – again – to teach them how it works. Wish me luck.
Thank you for a fine year of podcasts. Looking forward to another one. 😀
Mirror available:
Wil, this was probably one of the best podcast you have done because of the heartfelt moments you shared with us. Got to say, the bit about the old lady passing gas made me laugh till I cried! Been THERE have I!
Will admit I got a little teary eyed with the Christmas stories you told. We should all be as lucky to have a great family like the one you have. Seems you have raised your kids the right way.
Charlie Brown and The Grinch have been a tradition of mine for many years. Christmas is not the same without them. I miss the days when my family still got together for the holidays. Goes to show you don’t know what you have till it’s gone.
A great post as always! I have enjoyed every one of your podcast and blogs this year. I can’t put in words how much I enjoy your writing! You sure have a gift. I wish you and your family a safe and happy holiday season. Thanks Wil:)
Now to find that song that ended this show…
OK, so, I’m an Atheist, don’t believe in God, don’t believe in Jesus, don’t believe in…well basically anything.
BUT, I celebrate Christmas, always have, always will.
I absolutely love Christmas trees, gotta be a real Douglas Fir, no damn fake trees thank you. I don’t care for most Christmas music, but mostly because it’s just terrible, not because it’s about Christmas. I love Christmas movies, and I must watch “The Ref” every Xmas Eve. About the only think I really loathe about the entire Xmas season is the Salvation Army bell ringers, there’s something about those frakking bells that just grate on my nerves.
And I say “Merry Christmas”, not “Happy Holidays”, well I use that before Thanksgiving.
So MERRY CHRISTMAS Uncle Willie. Hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday.
A special extra thank you for Jingledogs. Jingledogs is
Jingledogs is excellence. Also, Jingledogs would never post an HTML form prematurely.
I enjoyed your story about Christmas shows. I have some general music friends who will love to hear how much their work is appreciated. December is a busy and stressful time for music educators!
The Giants are shellacking the Redskins, so the various members of the household are spending the evening in various ways.
Father in law was in the back room escaping football.
The other three of us are in the living room with the TV on and the fire going. Mother in law dozing over her mystery novel. My wife reading her mystery novel. Me listening to RFB.
Very sweet Wil. Thanks for sharing.
A lot of neat memories. I will take the grand canyon recommendation under advisement.
Take care, out there California, and everyone else everywhere.
Happy holidays, everyone!
I “12 Gifts of Christmas” here:
They have a weird policy: you can listen to the whole song once, then only a 30-second sample after that. Unless you clear your cookies.. heh.
Bwuh? That should have started “I found…”
The “found” got lost! Ha!
I’ll shut up now.
Lovely. Thanks and Merry Christmas to you and yours. And…you’re excused for taking a ‘pause for the cause’. =)
So, Uncle Wil, would you be that uncle that gets drunk at the Christmas dinner table on the nog? If not, I’ll Jack Daniel’s race you for it! 😛
Merry Christmas, friends and pocasties.
That was supposed to be podcasties. Damn.
awww… your german is adorable (and made me laugh so hard!) I had no idea that american kids are being tortured like that in the holiday season… I mean, come on… putting them through learning german christmas songs? who came up with that? and you know… why?
happy holidays from germany 🙂
I endorse your advice to take in your kids’ performances without distraction. One of the first years my kids were doing their thing, I spent way too much time trying to get the perfect photos and I don’t remember a lot of what happened. Since then, I’ve been sitting back and enjoying those moments, pitying the parents who fiddle with their cell-phones, cameras, and video gear.
From one goalie to another: *tap tap tap*
Oh, and best. Credit roll. Ever.
Merry Christmas, sir, from America’s Hat.
no problem. If you’re going through an mp4 stage just to embed an image, you might try exporting directly to mp3 and then using a dedicated mp3 tagging program to embed the image.
mp3tag handles cover art.
Thanks Wil that was AWESOME.
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Wil!!
Btw, you sound so cute when you speak german! It’s totally adorable :)))
X-Mas Greetings from Germany!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, Sir Wil! (Sorry, a bit late!) Thanks for taking back the phrase “Merry Christmas!” We need more ppl to stand up for logic these days. : )
OMG, Wil! Mele Kalikimaka!!! Yeah I know, omg, its January and I’m just listening to this podcast.
Sorry, I just leave it on my itunes and then listen to a podcast when I get a chance to sit in silence away from the kids. Anyway, thanks for the couple minutes of taking me back home from where I live now in CA. It was just so nice to hear a song that wasn’t the usual Christmas song and it was Mele Kalikimaka. =D