an interesting podcast from your old pal, Wil wheaton

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Radio Free Burrito: Episode Twenty-Nine

wil, · Categories: Books

Holy Crap, it's time for a new episode of Radio Free Burrito!

This episode was made possible by the generous contributions of listeners like you, as well as a grant from the We Didn't Really Give You A Grant, Wil, Foundation.

Show Notes:

Ready? Then place on ground, light fuse, get away, and

Download Radio Free Burrito Episode 29!


25 Responses to “Radio Free Burrito: Episode Twenty-Nine”

  1. Jules says:

    This is just too fantastical for words! All I could think while listening to you read this and using all the wonderful voices you used, is: 1) “Man! As a child, story time in Wil’s house must have been so fun! His boys are certainly lucky. His grandchildren will certainly enjoy it.”, and 2) “Now I want to build a fort in my living room consisting of furniture and blankets and flashlights and fake fire and gather all the “children” to listen to Uncle Wil tell us stories around the campfire!”
    Loved it!

  2. Asylum31 says:

    Interstate ’76 was, for the longest time, my most favorite video game. I know there was a sequel made, Interstate ’82, but I wasn’t able to get it. I would love to see this game brought back.

  3. Tasty burrito, as ever.
    Just FYI regarding Interstate ’76, there is an XBox Live Arcade title called Vigilante 8 Arcade based on the same franchise – here’s a linky:

  4. Jwillmo42 says:

    The burrito is back!!!!! Hooray!!!!
    (does the radio free burrito dance)

  5. SpareCake says:

    Haha, your orc kind of sounds like Odo.
    Poor evil Wee-tin’s woman!

  6. karohemd says:

    And again, the audio version of one of your studios is even better than the written one. Now if you could persuade the other authors to do the same, I’d happily donate some more.
    What was the background music you used during the story?

  7. karohemd says:

    Studios? I meant “stories”! No idea where that came from…

  8. Topaz says:

    Loved the story, Wil!
    I got a giggle that the Scalzorc’s name was “Scalzi” spelled backwards, and that his battle cry was the name of John’s cat [which I can’t spell from memory] and BACONNNNNNNNN!! :>) And of course, “You can’t haz.” Good stuff.
    I hope your hotel room was well-insulated; otherwise, your fellow guests got to hear quite a performance. ;>D

  9. The instant the Interstate 76 theme came on I jumped for joy. This was one of my favorite games of the late 90’s (besides Tribes). In fact, I still have the two disc set, and listen to the second disc on my CD player as everything after track one is the entire soundtrack for the game. XBLA, with some live multiplayer thrown in, would be a great resurrection of this game.
    In other news, the amazingly geeky story you created and read was a lot of fun to listen to. You inspire geeky creative writers everywhere. Thank you for this.

  10. What a glorious return for Radio Free Burrito! Though I think some of your battle cries startled my dog.

  11. Wil says:

    I just grabbed music from GarageBand. I was surprised that it all seemed to match up so well.

  12. Wil says:

    ZOMG I had no idea Vigilante 8 existed. I'm buying that the moment I get home. Thank you!

  13. KimJ721 says:

    I know this was really a parody of fantasy writing, but I really enjoyed it. You should consider writing more fiction. Do it under a pen name if you’re worried about naysayers. 🙂

  14. Annemarie says:

    I can’t help but think about what the other hotel guests must have thought when they heard you recording this..

  15. Melimsah says:

    I was listening to this at figure drawing and got some preeeetty odd looks from people when I burst out laughing at certain parts. I’ve been waiting for a new RFB all summer – the audio could’ve been even crappier and I wouldn’t have cared! Also: seriously, you should do more fiction. So much of the imagery was just beautiful, I could imagine it all perfectly. I want to know what creative things might be rattling around inside your head. 🙂 Not that your personal narratives aren’t amazing (cuz they totally are), it was just something new and exciting from you, and I really liked it.
    Also, like some other commenters, I really miss Storytime with Uncle Wil. XD I hope you are able to find more RFB time amongst your busy schedule. And I can’t wait for the next one! Never let the burrito die, Wil!

  16. Excellent burrito as always, my good sir. “You are our only hope”: classic. How long until we can purchase our own UPK plushie? I have a contact that might be able to help on that…

  17. Mike Maloney says:

    Ah, my worlds are colliding! The music at the end of the podcast (prior to the standard kazoo closing music) is the same music that is used at the end of Jay & Jack’s LOST podcast. I got all discombobulated for a minute there.

  18. Russell says:

    Very well done, Wil! i grabbed the chapbook at the first opportunity and this is easily one of my favorite ones in it. Hearing you read it made it that much more enjoyable.
    My only request: Don’t take so DAMN long to post your next edition of the Burrito!

  19. You might be interested to know that Interstate ’76 is available on Good Old Games, so it’s not exactly abandonware.

  20. Raventhourne says:

    BTW, I’m the girl that wanted a picture of you and me and my knitted sock from Phoenix Comic Con.
    Okay, things I noted for inside jokes:
    1) You can not haz.
    2) Lots of Jedi/padawan references
    3) Probably some Conan references in there but I’d need to listen again (oh, darn!)
    It was awesome to hear you do all of the voices and it was a pleasure to listen to on my commute yesterday. Thanks!

  21. bmcraec says:

    Nice Wil. The sound quality wasn’t HORRIFIC from the onboard mic. Have you tried any of Blue Microphone’s USB mics? They have one called the Snowflake which would make a great travelling podcast mic. Alternatively, get yourself a Mikey and record on your iPhone.
    I don’t work for them, I just use their gear, and think it’s great stuff!

  22. Chad Dunbar says:

    I want to join the chorus here and say thanks, not just for the burrito but for all of it. Burrito and Futurecast have made for excellent listening during the commute to & from work, the blog is an excellent read any time of day, and my wife has been informed in no uncertain terms that your literature is on the wish list for the holidays. You, sir, are the natural 20 of the internets.

  23. ThePooh269 says:

    Yippee, hooray! New RFB! I’m so far behind on listening to podcasts, but that was a lovely treat.
    I snorted when he said “You can’t has. Not yours.” Too funny.
    Well done and thanks as always, Wil. Can’t wait to see you on Eureka again.

  24. I’m a little slow catching up on the Burritos, but I’m very glad I did! This was great! The audio quality is reminiscent of the audio version of The Hobbit from BBC radio even with the music fading in and out. Kudos to you dear Sir! Very well done!