an interesting podcast from your old pal, Wil wheaton

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Radio Free Burrito Archives: Episode One

wil, · Categories: Film, Music, RFB Archives

Whitevancan't believe I already did another podcast, but I had ideas, and they needed to come out of my brains, so here we are.

I'm going to tell you the complete truth: This isn't the greatest thing ever, but I really had fun putting this show together, and I think I'm officially hooked on doing these shows. As long as it doesn't completely take over my life, I'll do everything I can to get a new episode up every week. Around episode four or five, when I've climbed a little higher up the learning curve, I'll even see if I can get this into iTunes so subscribing is easier.

Okay. How about some show notes? That's kind of cool, isn't it?

Notes for Episode One:

This week's show is much, much smaller than episode zero, weighing in at a much friendlier 13.3 MB, but still just over 30 minutes. I'm still not ready for primetime, but I feel much more comfortable than I did last week, and had a great time putting this together.

Questions can be sent to ask at wil wheaton dot net and comments can be sent to podcast at wil wheaton dot net.

Also, until I figure out a more appropriate license, RFB will be released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

Okay? Get to listening!


p style=”margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; “>Download radio_free_burrito_episode_one.mp3


Several listeners have asked for a list of the music in this show:

. . . and have a mirror, courtesy of WWdN:iX reader Alan.

. . . and another mirror courtesy of Craig.

. . . Brian did a ton of Burrito-Fu, and sent in a low-fi version, and .torrents for hi and lo fi:

High (orig):

Low (mono, VBR bit rate range 8-24, 5.7 megs):

Mirror for the Low..

Wow! Thanks, guys!