Radio Free Burrito: Episode Eighteen
wil, · Categories: Books, MusicHoly Crap, it's time for a new episode of Radio Free Burrito!
I'm not going to lie to you, Marge, I've been having a rough few days, so this show is uncharacteristically brief. Hopefully, it's still … interesting. Hey, remember when I said "interesting" every five minutes on RFB? I don't really do that any more. That's … interesting.
Show Notes:
- The logo was designed by WWdN:iX reader Marc, who asked that I not link to his "in progress" website. Thanks, Marc!
- Radio Free Burrito doesn't work as hard to earn its [EXPLICIT] tag as Memories of the Futurecast does, but it still manages to upset mom and get Twitter breakup messages from sensitive people. You have been warned.
- This week's theme music is Idioteque from Radiohead's Kid A
- On today's show, I read an adapted excerpt from Just A Geek, which is now available as an audiobook from Lulu, with the rest of my work.
- I also played a song called Triforce, by The Mad Titans. I forgot to mention it in the show, but I wanted to say thank you to the band for releasing podsafe music! Maybe someone with Facebook would like to go to their fanpage and tell them that they're awesome.
- I believe that the Loudest Lawnmower in the World, which was busy being the Least Efficient Lawnmower in the World across the street for much of the afternoon, doesn't make an appearance on this show, thanks to careful editing and mic placement by me, Wil Wheaton.
- I'm not very funny this week. Hopefully, next week will be better.
- I also wanted to say that it really makes me super happy to know that there are apparently a lot of listeners out there on Planet Earth who look forward to Radio Free Burrito every week.
- This episode is just over 19 minutes long.
- This episode is about 18MB.
- This episode doesn't have artwork embedded, because I still can't figure out how to get it into the goddamn file without exporting as .m4a and converting to .mp3, and doubling the filesize in the process.
- This is the end of the notes.
Ready? Then clap your hands and
Download Radio Free Burrito Episode 18!
Yay! Now I’ll have something to listen to when the toddler won’t go to bed until after midnight again because his schedule got screwed up by the holiday break.
Wil: to get the artwork embedded in the mp3, export as mp3, and then use a program like mp3tag ( to apply your art. 🙂
Hey Wil,
Would you like a mirror for RFB? You’d solicited them for other stuff in the past, but not these.
It’s available if you want, but I’m not going to set one up if you’re not interested. You may want to have the data for counting downloads or something.
Er…sorry things aren’t going well. Hope it’s a minor aberration and that 2010 goes on to kick 2009’s ass in terms of awesomeness!
Will be downloading shortly and listening soon.
Take care!
Yeah, accurate listen data is actually useful, because when I inevitably reach the point of not knowing if its worth the effort to produce the show … well, I can check the numbers and know.
Thanks for offering, though, and for listening all these years.
A rough few days into the new year, eh… you and me both (and I suspect several hundred thousand ’round the country as well)
Keep the faith because something’s got to give… 🙂
Is there a RSS feed of RFB anywhere?
Nevermind- saw the link at the top. Got slow down and enjoy the whole page and not just download and run
Love these! Only recently started listening, and downloaded a whole mess of ’em to get caught up. Great work – thanks for sharing!
Hey Wil, I just wanted to say thanks mate for the cast, it’s kewl to hear what you have to say and kinda keep up with you. I also enjoyed the books, keep writing ‘Ole chap. Worked with you on Leverage in PDX a while back, hope to see you again there. I added a link to your new home here on my MySpace and Facebook. I’ll feed the burrito, keep casting mate! -Ethan Tudor W.
Hi, Wil. First time I’ve listened to your podcast, and really enjoyed the reminiscences from the book.
Thanks. Looking forward to next week.
Keep up the good work! 🙂
I have really enjoyed your podcasts and your books.
You have the gift of the gab sir, and possess wit and charm!
Relaxing and listening to RFB just before bed is the best way to end the day 🙂
Long time listener, first time caller… er, commenter.
Just wanted to say thank you for this episode even if brief this week. I downloaded it as soon as I got home from work to enjoy before leaving for a weekly bar trivia night with my friends. Your mention of Patrick Stewart being knighted earned our team, Awkward Spooning, a surefire point! Most of our group had been off the grid a while during the holidays so our current events round really suffered. After writing down a bunch of BS answers on our sheet for that round it was nice to know we got at least one point for sure thanks to you.
Keep up the good work, I look forward to what next week brings!
I’m not gonna lie to you, Wil…I haven’t truly listened to one of your RFB podcasts till tonight, though I think I may have listened to part of one years ago.
Anyway, I got totally hooked on your Memories of the Futurecasts and have missed them, so tonight I listened to all of the most recent episode of RFB–and I really enjoyed it.
So much so, I’d like to put them all on CD to listen to in the car when I’m driving around.
Right now I’m listening to Ruby: The Adventures of a Galactic Gumshoe and Ruby 2. Ever listened to Ruby? I have a feeling you’d really like it. 🙂
(and sorry if you have mentioned a thousand times your deep and abiding love for Ruby, and you’re like, well, duh, I have listened to Ruby, why are you telling me this?)
A brief review from
Since the early eighties, listeners around the world have been grooving to the funky adventures of RUBY: THE ADVENURES OF A GALACTIC GUMSHOE. It’s a wild goofy dose of fast-paced, high-flying sci-fi and detective radio drama, originally produced by ZBS and aired mostly on American public radio in drive-time slots; daily three minute blasts of gonzo irreverency meant to grab you like like a pop single: hot, hip and catchy as all hell, with a good beat you could dance to, and then gone… but leaving you humming the melody, so to speak. Amazingly, despite the fact the shows were never more than 180 seconds long, a single continuity could last for months.
RUBY TUESDAY (her original name, though in some pilots she was also known as Ruby Starr) is a tough, sexy and sassy female P.I., not above using her considerable charms to get what she wants, and not above a little blasting, either. She calls the planet Summa Nulla (crossroads of the galaxy, high point of nothing) home, but her adventures take her all over the galaxy. And a pretty whacked-out galaxy it is, full of bizarro charcters like the singing robot siblings The Android Sisters (both named Angel), the archaeologist TJ Teru, the rather large and erudite clam Mr. Mollusk, Chief Molierre of the Mole People, the weaselly Rodant Kapoor, the genetically-designed femme fatale Angel Lips , the hired killers known as the Slimeys and the tookah, a green, four-tentacled creature with three eyes, a pencil-thin blue mustache and, for some reason, a red fez. And who can ever forget places like the planet Dong-A-Long, entirely populated by green creatures who are all named Fong, or Magnifico, the City of Malls?
Imagine Star Trek performed as a detective drama by the Marx Brothers…
The show has proved to be astonishingly durable, and has been broadcast ain 23 foreign countries over the years, including the CBC in Canada, the BBC in England and and the ABC in Australia. In 1982, it received The Mark Time Award for Best Science Fiction of the Year. Fortunately, for those of us out of broadcast range, the shows have now been collected and are available on CD and cassette from the ZBS.
This RFB is not WMP friendly. /sadpanda
I do most of my blog reading during free time at work, and I stream your podcasts through Windows Media Player, which is the only application available at work. Is it too much work for you to release standard Mp3 files without the fancy ID3 headers? Also, I wasn’t able to listen to some of your podcasts because they are in m4a format.
Anything you can do would be much appreciated!
As far as I know, there is only one podcast in m4a, and the rest are in standard mp3 (at least the new episodes are) so it should work in WMP.
Are you willing to try a different media player? VLC is my personal favorite, and I know that it plays all formats on all platforms.
Hi Wil,
I downloaded Episode 18 of RFB; however, it sounds like it got cut off at the very end of that story you were telling from “Just a Geek”. Could this be a technical error on my part or something else. I apologize if this was already addressed previously.
Only the one m4a one and this one, RFB #18, doesn’t work on the systems we use at work. I am getting an ID3 header error. I have VLC at home and the latest WMP. It should work there. Thanks for responding.
Thats really weird. Im so sorry for the hassle; Im just using Garageband out of the box, and sometimes it does stupid stuff for no apparent raisin.
I’m a big fan, but a first time listener (I’ll be catching up soon, I hope).
I have two comments: 1. Let’s go Whale! Yes, I AM still in denial about the “Carolina Hurricanes.” Hockey, man. Hockey.
2. Zork. And KQIV. You drew maps to get through those games. That’s just how it was. And it was fantastic.
Thanks for the incredibly relatable stories, and all the great work you do. It’s very inspiring!
I wrote in earlier about the show being cut off when I had downloaded it…I think it is on my part so not to worry. It played fine (start to end) in my web browser.
Mapping my way through Wizardry! games…and when Wizardry 5 (Heart of the Maelstrom) came along and the maps didn’t conform to a nice 10 x 10 grid? Well that was mindblowing because I could no longer be sure when I’d reached a far edge of a dungeon…automapping is great for games set outdoors, but mapping your way through a dungeon so you don’t get lost is an integral part of a game…and few games let you add notes to an automap function so you can remember to return to a revealed section to search in greater detail later…
Speaking of the good ol’ hockey game…
Congrats to the USA Juniors’ and their gold medal win at the IIHF final. The shot by Carlson was georgeous. A late 3-on-1, coming across the line looking across to decide on the pass and, instead, he riffs it at the net without a glance.
As a goalie, I was just as surprised by that shot as Allen was. Carlson gave all the signs of passing or setting up a 1-2-3 punch and to find the back of the net… beautful.
Although I was rooting for my country, I bet on the Americans. Go USA. 8)
I know that somewhere along the way I had read your account of your conversation with Patrick Stewart, but hearing you read it aloud has left me with some happy tears in my eyes.
Hey Wil, just a bit of Trivia, today is Elvis’s 75th Birthday and Portland Oregon has the one and ONLY 24 hour Church Of Elvis, you should visit and have a photo taken next time your up here, it’s been around forever. Yolanda and I fed the Burrito 🙂 That was my birthday present from her (Jan. 20th is my B-day, woo hoo!) to me. I get Radio Free Burrito! I’m cool with that, keep casting Wil! -Ethan and Yolanda
OMG I had no idea. Im putting that on my list for my next trip to Portland.
Thanks, and happy birthday!
Hey Wil, Yolanda got me a GREAT MIC for Pod-Casting. The Audio-Technica AT2020 USB, REAL nice Cardiod Condenser Mic. Freq. response 20-16,000Hz, bit depth 32 with a sample rate of 44.1 kHz.
Talk about a NICE clear sound, wheew…. take it from a guy who does ADR/ Voice over work, very cool. You sound great out here, what kind of Mic are you using, just curious. -Ethan Tudor W.
Whoops, sorry Wil, that’s a desktop Wedge Mic BTW, I also got the matching Monitor/Studo headphones… MUST be using some sort of desktop mic, now and then I hear a Humm/Buzz due to something vib’ing the desk..(Maybe a fan?) very faint, low buzz, ok so I’m an audio nerd, so sue me :-)-Ethan Tudor W.
I just use the Snowball from Blue and plug it into my Mac. I know I could invest in something more professional, but I dont think Im quite at that point, yet.
Love the podcasts (both of them)… Are you planning a podcast for Memories of the Future vol. 2 when it is released?
Looking forward to the next RFB!!
Hi Wil,
Over the past year I have gotten my 8 year old son totally hooked on reruns of TGN. Although I have seen every episode many times, it has been a lot of fun to watch them again through his eyes. He has come up with a lot of ideas from the show and is convinced that when he grows up, he can invent a real warp drive.
Recently when I picked him up at school he began exitedly telling me that in library class he was watching an episode of ‘Reading Rainbow’ and couldn’t believe that ‘Geordi’ was the host. This led to a lot of discussion about what all the the actors from TNG were doing now, what they looked like in real life, etc. One of our web searches led to your site. In the past few days I have read a lot of you blogs, listened to all of the Memories of the Futurecast, Vol 1 podcasts and more. I found it all terrific. Just wish I could share it all with my son. Maybe in a few years. In the mean time, ‘Justice’ is qued up for us on the DVR.
Thanks Wil.
If you search YouTube, you can probably find the Reading Rainbow episodes that LeVar shot on our set, which I bet your son would really enjoy.
Tell him that I talked to Wesley Crusher, and Wes told me to tell him that he should always do his best, work as hard as he can in school, and one day hell see him at Starfleet Academy.
Hi Wil. Loving your RFB’s I’ve had a bit of a podcast marathon over the last few days, as we’ve had heavy snow fall in England, most normal life ground to a halt.
Any way, I hope to see you in Phoenix in May.
Ethan– I fed the burrito too, and my birthday is January 21. Kind of odd, isn’t it?